Invisalign Specialist

Straightening crooked teeth has a tremendous impact on overall dental health. Rawa Hassan, DDS, and her team at Brookfield Family Dental Art in Brookfield, Connecticut, provide Invisalign® to help you acquire a beautiful smile without the embarrassment of wearing metal braces. To learn if you’re a candidate for Invisalign, contact the office or book your appointment online today.

Invisalign Q & A

What is Invisalign? 

Invisalign® is a phenomenal option for straightening your teeth and correcting your bite. The Invisalign aligners fit over your teeth and, over the course of treatment, realign your teeth. They’re made from flexible and clear BPA-free plastic, making them an aesthetically appealing alternative to metal braces.

What are the benefits of Invisalign?

There are a variety of benefits to Invisalign, including:

  • Removable, so they’re easy to clean
  • Fewer food restrictions
  • No need for metal, like traditional braces
  • Designed to be convenient and comfortable
  • Ease of playing musical instruments and sports             

While Invisalign does have many attractive qualities, it’s important to note it’s limited in the issues it can correct. It’s important to schedule a consultation with Dr. Hassan and her staff to determine if Invisalign is right for you.

What’s the process of getting Invisalign?

Once Dr. Hassan and her team determine you’re a candidate for Invisalign, her team takes impressions of your mouth along with X-rays. Your impressions are sent to the Invisalign laboratory to create your aligners.

Once Dr. Hassan receives your aligners back from the lab, you’ll go to Brookfield Family Dental Art to pick them up and get detailed instructions on your treatment plan. 

Most patients receive 20-30 Invisalign aligners to last them the whole treatment. As your teeth shift, you replace your aligners with a new set. This ensures your teeth shift into the correct position.

To make sure you end up with a million-dollar smile, you should wear your aligners at least 22 hours a day. While the treatment length of Invisalign varies, the average timeframe is between 9-15 months.

How is Invisalign different from traditional metal braces? 

While Invisalign and metal braces both provide the same outcome of fixing your smile, there are some differences.

Invisalign uses clear aligners made from BPA-free plastic, making them virtually invisible and aesthetically pleasing for teenagers and adults. Additionally, they’re smooth so they don’t irritate or cause your gums to bleed. 

On the other hand, if you have traditional braces, you’ll have wires, rubber bands, and metal brackets in your mouth. These pieces may break off, causing your lips or gums to bleed.

Invisalign can help you develop a picture-perfect smile without the need for metal braces. To learn more, call Brookfield Family Dental Art or schedule your appointment online today.

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